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Realease Notes

Release History

Version Date Description
1.1 2022-06-06 Subsequent release
1.0 2020-09-12 Initial release

Release 1.1 – 2022-06-06

Type Changes By
Add Introduce PrologType interface. Fixes 12. jzalacain
Update Update PrologTerm with: isVariableBound(...) method, isVariableNotBound(...) method, isEntry(...) method, isMap(...) method, match(...) method and cast(...) method. Fixes 11. jzalacain
Add Introduce PrologReference interface. Fixes 10. jzalacain
Update Update PrologQuery with: nextResult(...) method, nextVariableResult(...) method, nResult(...) method, nVariableResult(...) method, more(...) method and nths(...) method. Fixes 9. jzalacain
Update Update PrologProvider with: newMap(...) method, newEntry(...) method, falseReference(...) method, trueReference(...) method, nullReference(...) method, voidReference(...) method, cast(...) method. Fixes 8. jzalacain
Add Introduce PrologMap interface. Fixes 7. jzalacain
Add Introduce PrologEntry interface. Fixes 6. jzalacain
Add Introduce PrologElement interface. Fixes 5. jzalacain
Add Introduce PrologDocumentable interface. Fixes 4. jzalacain
Add Introduce cast method in AbstractTerm to casts a PrologTerm. Fixes 3. jzalacain
Add Introduce cast method in AbstractProvider to casts a PrologTerm. Fixes 2. jzalacain

Release 1.0 – 2020-09-12

Type Changes By
Update Initial release. Fixes 1. jzalacain