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abolish(String, int) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Remove all predicates that match with the predicate indicator (PI) formed by the concatenation of the given string functor and integer arity separated by slash (functor/arity).
AbstractClause - Class in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
Partial implementation of PrologClause interface.
AbstractClause(PrologProvider, PrologTerm, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractClause
Create a new fact clause.
AbstractClause(PrologProvider, PrologTerm, PrologTerm, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractClause
Create a new rule clause.
AbstractCompounds - Class in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
AbstractCompounds(int, PrologProvider) - Constructor for class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractCompounds
AbstractConsole - Class in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
Partial implementation of PrologConsole interface.
AbstractConsole(PrologProvider) - Constructor for class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractConsole
AbstractConverter<T> - Class in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
Partial implementation of PrologConverter interface.
AbstractConverter() - Constructor for class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractConverter
AbstractEngine - Class in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
Partial implementation of PrologEngine.
AbstractEngine(PrologProvider) - Constructor for class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractEngine
AbstractEngine.PrologProgramIterator - Class in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
AbstractIndicator - Class in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
Partial implementation of PrologIndicator interface.
AbstractIndicator(String, int) - Constructor for class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractIndicator
AbstractIterator<E> - Class in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
Partial implementation of Iterator interface.
AbstractIterator() - Constructor for class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractIterator
AbstractJavaConverter - Class in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
Partial implementation of PrologJavaConverter interface.
AbstractJavaConverter(PrologProvider) - Constructor for class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractJavaConverter
AbstractLogger - Class in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
Partial implementation of PrologLogger interface.
AbstractLogger() - Constructor for class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractLogger
AbstractOperator - Class in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
Partial implementation of PrologOperator.
AbstractOperator(int, String, String) - Constructor for class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractOperator
AbstractProgram - Class in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
AbstractProgram(PrologEngine) - Constructor for class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProgram
AbstractProvider - Class in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
Partial implementation of PrologProvider
AbstractProvider(PrologConverter<?>) - Constructor for class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProvider
AbstractQuery - Class in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
Partial implementation of PrologQuery interface.
AbstractQuery(AbstractEngine) - Constructor for class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractQuery
AbstractTerm - Class in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
Partial implementation of PrologTerm interface.
AbstractTerm(int, PrologProvider) - Constructor for class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractTerm
add(PrologClause) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProgram
add(PrologProgram) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProgram
add(PrologClauses) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProgram
add(PrologClause) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProgram
add(PrologProgram) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProgram
add(PrologClauses) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProgram
addAll(PrologProgram) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProgram
addAll(PrologProgram) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProgram
AGPL_V3 - Static variable in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.Licenses
GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) version 3.0
all() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologQuery
Return a list of map of variables name key and Prolog terms as value that conform the solution set for the current query.
allResults() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractQuery
allResults() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologQuery
Return a list of list of Java Objects that conform the solution set for the current query.
allSolutions() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologQuery
Return a Prolog terms matrix of n x m order that conform the solution set for the current query where n is the solution number and m is a free variable number in the query.
allVariablesResults() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractQuery
allVariablesResults() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologQuery
Return a list of map of variables name key and Java objects as value that conform the solution set for the current query.
allVariablesSolutions() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologQuery
Return an array of map of variables name key and Prolog terms as value that conform the solution set for the current query.
APACHE_V2 - Static variable in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.Licenses
Apache License version 2.0
ArityError - Error in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
Runtime error raised when occurs one call to get arity method over a term that no have arity property.
ArityError(Object) - Constructor for error io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.ArityError
Create an arity runtime error.
ArrayIterator<E> - Class in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
Iterator implementation over array of elements.
ArrayIterator(E[]) - Constructor for class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.ArrayIterator
Create an instance of ArrayIterator to iterate over given array of elements
asserta() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologClauseBuilder
Add the current clause in the main memory program if the clause non exist.
asserta(String) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Parse the string creating internal prolog clause and add the clause in the main memory program if the clause non exist.
asserta(PrologTerm) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Create internal prolog clause and add the clause in the main memory program if the clause non exist.
asserta(PrologTerm, PrologTerm...) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Add a rule specified by the rule head and rule body if the specified rule clause non exist.
assertz() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologClauseBuilder
Add the clause in the main memory program if the clause non exist.
assertz(String) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Parse the string creating internal prolog clause and add the clause in the main memory program if the clause non exist.
assertz(PrologTerm) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Create internal prolog clause and add the clause in the main memory program if the clause non exist.
assertz(PrologTerm, PrologTerm...) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Add a rule specified by the rule head and rule body if the specified rule clause non exist.
ATOM_TYPE - Static variable in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTermType
Atom type constant


begin(String, PrologTerm...) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologClauseBuilder
Append to the clause builder the head term in the clause.
begin(PrologTerm) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologClauseBuilder
Append to the clause builder the head term in the clause.
begin(PrologTerm) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologQueryBuilder
Append to the query builder the first term to be query.
begin(String, PrologTerm...) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologQueryBuilder
Append to the query builder the first term to be query.
BSD_2 - Static variable in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.Licenses
BSD 2-Clause License
BSD_3 - Static variable in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.Licenses
BSD 3-Clause License


cast() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractClause
cast(PrologTerm, Class<T>) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProvider
Casts a PrologTerm to the class or interface represented by this Class object.
cast(PrologTerm) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProvider
cast(PrologTerm, Class<T>) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractTerm
Casts a PrologTerm to the class or interface represented by this Class object.
cast(PrologTerm) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractTerm
Casts a PrologTerm to the class or interface represented by this Class object.
cast() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractTerm
cast() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologClause
Casts the current PrologClause to the class or interface represented by this Class object.
cast(PrologTerm) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProvider
Casts a PrologTerm to the class or interface represented by this Class object.
cast() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTerm
Casts the current PrologTerm to the class or interface represented by this Class object.
CDDL_V1 - Static variable in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.Licenses
checkIndex(int) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractTerm
checkIndex(int, int) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractTerm
CLASS_CAST - Static variable in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologLogger
CLASS_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologLogger
CLASS_TYPE - Static variable in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTermType
Class type constant
clause() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologClauseBuilder
Check if the clause in the main memory program unify with the current clause and return true.
clause(String) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Parse the string creating internal prolog clause and returning true if the clause in the main memory program unify with the given clause.
clause(PrologTerm) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Find a rule specified by the rule head and rule body in main memory program that unify with the given clause returning true in this case.If the clause not exist in main memory program or exist but not unify with the given clause false value is returned.
clause(PrologTerm, PrologTerm...) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Find a rule specified by the rule head and rule body in main memory program that unify with the given clause returning true in this case.If the clause not exist in main memory program or exist but not unify with the given clause false value is returned.
clear() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologList
Clear the current list removing all contained prolog term.
comma(PrologTerm, String, PrologTerm) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologClauseBuilder
Append to the clause builder other term in the clause body in conjunctive mode.
comma(String, PrologTerm...) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologClauseBuilder
Append to the clause builder other term in the clause body in conjunctive mode.
comma(PrologTerm) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologClauseBuilder
Append to the clause builder other term in the clause body in conjunctive mode.
comma(PrologTerm, String, PrologTerm) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologQueryBuilder
Append to the query builder other term to be query in conjunctive mode.
comma(String, PrologTerm...) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologQueryBuilder
Append to the query builder other term to be query in conjunctive mode.
comma(PrologTerm) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologQueryBuilder
Append to the query builder other term to be query in conjunctive mode.
compareTo(PrologTerm) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractCompounds
compareTo(PrologOperator) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractOperator
CompoundExpectedError - Error in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
Runtime error raised when occurs one call to some method over no compound term like get arguments or get argument at some position. all atomics term no have arguments and optionally over related invocations of the mentioned methods this runtime error take place.
CompoundExpectedError(Object) - Constructor for error io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.CompoundExpectedError
Create an compound runtime error.
consult(String) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Consult a file specified by the string path loading an parsing the prolog program.
consult(Reader) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Consult a prolog program from specified reader parsing the prolog program and put this program into prolog engine.
containQuotes(String) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractJavaConverter
containQuotes(String) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologJavaConverter
Check if the current functor have quotes at the start and end of the given functor.
contains(String) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractEngine
contains(PrologTerm) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractEngine
contains(PrologTerm, PrologTerm...) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractEngine
contains(List<Map<String, PrologTerm>>, Map<String, PrologTerm>) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractQuery
contains(List<PrologTerm[]>, PrologTerm[]) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractQuery
contains(String) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Parse the string creating internal prolog clause and returning true if the given goal have solution using the resolution engine mechanism.
contains(PrologTerm) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Check if the given goal array have solution using the resolution engine mechanism.
contains(PrologTerm, PrologTerm...) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Check if the given goal array have solution using the resolution engine mechanism.
contains(Map.Entry<PrologTerm, PrologTerm>) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologMap
True if this map contains an entry previously created
converter - Variable in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProvider
createBindings() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologScriptEngine
createProvider() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologConverter
Create a Prolog provider instance.
currentOp(String) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologOperatorSet
Check if in the operator set is defined some particular operator specified by your string symbol.
currentOperator(int, String, String) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Check if in the wrapped prolog engine is defined some particular operator specified by your Priority, Specifier and Operator.
currentOperators() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Operator set defined in the wrapped prolog engine.
currentPredicate(String, int) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Check if in the wrapped prolog engine is defined some particular predicate specified by your predicate indicator (PI = functor/arity).
currentPredicates() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractEngine
currentPredicates() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Predicate set defined in the wrapped prolog engine.
CUT_TYPE - Static variable in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTermType
Cut type constant


debug(Object, Object) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractLogger
debug(Object, Object, Throwable) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractLogger
debug(Object, Object) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologLogger
Log a message from a given object sender at Level.FINE level.
debug(Object, Object, Throwable) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologLogger
Log a message from a given object sender at Level.FINE level.
dispose() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Clear program in main memory.
dispose() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologQuery
Release all allocations for the query
DONT_WORRY - Static variable in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologLogger
DOUBLE_TYPE - Static variable in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTermType
Double type constant


engine - Variable in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProgram
engine - Variable in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractQuery
entrySet() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProgram
EPL_V1 - Static variable in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.Licenses
Eclipse Public License - v 1.0
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractClause
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractConverter
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractEngine
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractIndicator
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractJavaConverter
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractOperator
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProgram
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProvider
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractQuery
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologScriptEngineFactory
error(Object, Object) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractLogger
error(Object, Object, Throwable) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractLogger
error(Object, Object) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologLogger
Log a message from a given object sender at Level.SEVERE level.
error(Object, Object, Throwable) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologLogger
Log a message from a given object sender at Level.SEVERE level.
ERROR_LOADING_BUILT_INS - Static variable in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologLogger
EUPL_V1_1 - Static variable in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.Licenses
European Union Public License v1.1
eval(String, ScriptContext) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologScriptEngine
eval(Reader, ScriptContext) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologScriptEngine
eval(Reader, Bindings) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologScriptEngine
eval(String, Bindings) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologScriptEngine
eval(String) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologScriptEngine
eval(Reader) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologScriptEngine
EXECUTION_ERROR - Static variable in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologLogger


FAIL_TYPE - Static variable in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTermType
Fail type constant
FALSE_TYPE - Static variable in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTermType
False type constant
falseReference() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProvider
Create a prolog object reference term that hold the Java false object i.e.
FDL_V1_3 - Static variable in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.Licenses
GNU Free Documentation License (FDL) version 1.3
FIELD_TYPE - Static variable in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTermType
Field type constant
FILE_NOT_DELETE - Static variable in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologLogger
FILE_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologLogger
FLOAT_TYPE - Static variable in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTermType
Float type constant
format(LogRecord) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologFormatter
Return the string format for prolog log record.
fromTerm(PrologTerm, Class<K>) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractConverter
fromTerm(PrologTerm, PrologTerm[], Class<K>) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractConverter
fromTerm(PrologTerm, Class<K>) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractEngine
fromTerm(PrologTerm, PrologTerm[], Class<K>) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractEngine
fromTerm(PrologTerm, Class<K>) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProvider
fromTerm(PrologTerm, PrologTerm[], Class<K>) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProvider
fromTerm(PrologTerm, Class<K>) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractQuery
fromTerm(PrologTerm, Class<K>) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractTerm
fromTerm(PrologTerm) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologConverter
Create a native term representation from given Prolog term.
fromTerm(PrologTerm, PrologTerm[]) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologConverter
Create a native rule representation term from given head and body.
fromTermArray(PrologTerm[], Class<K[]>) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractConverter
fromTermArray(PrologTerm[], Class<K[]>) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProvider
fromTermArray(PrologTerm[], Class<K[]>) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractTerm
fromTermArray(PrologTerm[]) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologConverter
Create a native term array representation from given Prolog term array.
FunctorError - Error in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
Runtime error raised when occurs one call to get functor method over a term that no have functor property.
FunctorError(Object) - Constructor for error io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.FunctorError
Create an functor runtime error.


get(String, int) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProgram
get(String, int) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProgram
getArgument(int) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractClause
getArgument(int) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractTerm
getArgument(int) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologClause
Term located at some given index position in the clause head arguments.
getArgument(int) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTerm
Term located at some given index position in the current term arguments if current term is a compound term.
getArguments() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractClause
getArguments(String[]) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractConsole
getArguments() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologClause
Term arguments present in the clause head.
getArguments(String[]) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologConsole
Create a arguments map from a given string arguments array.
getArguments() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTerm
Term arguments if the current term is a compound term.
getArity() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractClause
getArity() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractIndicator
getArity() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologClause
Integer number that represent the arguments number in the clause head.
getArity() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologIndicator
Indicator arity that is the argument number for compound terms.
getArity() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTerm
Term arity.
getAuthor() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractClause
getAuthor() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologDocumentable
Get the author tag in doc comment
getBody() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractClause
getBody() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologClause
Prolog term that represent the clause body.
getBodyArray() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractClause
getBodyArray() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologClause
Get the clause body as terms array.
getBodyIterator() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractClause
getBodyIterator() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologClause
Iterator to iterate over all body terms.
getBuiltIns() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Predicate set defined by the supported built-ins predicate in the wrapped prolog engine.
getClauses() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProgram
getClauses() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProgram
getClauseString() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologClauseBuilder
Get the clause in string format.
getConverter() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProvider
getConverter() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProvider
Get a prolog converter instance to map the abstract prolog data types to under-laying prolog implementations data types.
getDescription() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractClause
getDescription() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologDocumentable
Get the description tag in doc comment
getDoubleValue() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologNumber
Cast and return the equivalent Java Double Number value from current Prolog Number.
getEngine() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractQuery
getEngine() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologQuery
Engine hold by the current query
getEngineName() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologScriptEngineFactory
getEngineVersion() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologScriptEngineFactory
getExtensions() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologScriptEngineFactory
getFactory() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologScriptEngine
getFloatValue() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologNumber
Cast and return the equivalent Java Float Number value from current Prolog Number.
getFunctor() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractClause
getFunctor() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractIndicator
getFunctor() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologClause
String that represent the functor in the clause head.
getFunctor() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologIndicator
Indicator functor that is the name for compound terms.
getFunctor() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTerm
Term functor.The functor of a term is a name for compound terms.
getGenericClass() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractConverter
getGenericClass() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologConverter
Get the generic class for the current Prolog converter at runtime.
getHead() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractClause
getHead() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologClause
Prolog term that represent the clause head.
getHead() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologList
Return the head term of the current list if the current list have at least one element.
getIndicator() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractClause
getIndicator() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractIndicator
getIndicator() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractTerm
getIndicator() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologClause
Clause family functor/arity based indicator.
getIndicator() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologClauses
Clause family functor/arity based indicator.
getIndicator() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologIndicator
Gets the term indicator represented by one string with the format functor/arity.
getIndicator() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTerm
Gets the term indicator represented by one string with the format functor/arity.
getIndicators() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProgram
getIndicators() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProgram
getIntegerValue() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologNumber
Cast and return the equivalent Java Integer Number value from current Prolog Number.
getJavaConverter() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProvider
Get a Java to Prolog converter instance to map the abstract prolog data types to Java types.
getLanguageName() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologScriptEngineFactory
getLanguageVersion() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologScriptEngineFactory
getLeft() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologStructure
Return the left operand of the current term if the current term is an evalueble structure (expression).
getLicense() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
License of the wrapped engine.
getLogger() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractConverter
getLogger() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractEngine
getLogger() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractQuery
getLogger() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractTerm
getLogger() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Get the prolog system logger instance to report any errors or exceptions
getLogger() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProvider
Get the prolog system logger instance to report any errors or exceptions
getLongValue() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologNumber
Cast and return the equivalent Java Long Number value from current Prolog Number.
getMimeTypes() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologScriptEngineFactory
getName() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProvider
getName() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Name of the wrapped engine.
getName() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProvider
Name of the wrapped engine.
getName() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologVariable
Name that identify this variable
getNames() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologScriptEngineFactory
getObject() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractTerm
getObject() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTerm
For references terms return the referenced object.
getOperator() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractOperator
getOperator() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologOperator
String symbol that represent the Prolog operator.
getOperator() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologStructure
Return the operator (structure functor) of the current term if the current term is an evalueble structure (expression).
getOSArch() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractEngine
getOSArch() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Return the host operating system architecture.
getOSName() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractEngine
getOSName() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Return the host operating system name.
getOSVersion() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractEngine
getOSVersion() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Return the host operating system version.
getOutputStatement(String) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologScriptEngineFactory
getParameter(String) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologScriptEngineFactory
getParser() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProvider
getParser() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProvider
Get a prolog parser instance to parser the strings with prolog syntax.
getPosition() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologVariable
Non negative integer that represent the variable position of the Structure where the variable is first time declared.
getPredicates() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
User defined predicate set defined in the wrapped prolog engine.
getPriority() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractOperator
getPriority() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologOperator
Integer number between 0 and 1200 that represent the operator priority.
getProgram() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Make and return a copy of the program.
getProgram(String...) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologScriptEngineFactory
getProgramClauses() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractEngine
getProgramClauses() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Make and return a copy of the clause set present in the current engine.
getProgramMap() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractEngine
getProgramMap() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Make and return a copy of the clause map present in the current engine.
getProgramSize() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Number of clauses in the current engine.
getPrologDouble() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologNumber
Cast and return the equivalent Prolog Double Number from current Prolog Number.
getPrologFloat() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologNumber
Cast and return the equivalent Prolog Float Number from current Prolog Number.
getPrologIndicator() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractClause
getPrologIndicator() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologClause
Clause family PrologIndicator based indicator.
getPrologInteger() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologNumber
Cast and return the equivalent Prolog Integer Number from current Prolog Number.
getPrologLong() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologNumber
Cast and return the equivalent Prolog Long Number from current Prolog Number.
getProvider() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractEngine
getProvider() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractQuery
getProvider() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractTerm
getProvider() - Static method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.Prolog
Create and return an instance of Prolog Provider using Java Platform discovery pattern.
getProvider(String) - Static method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.Prolog
Create and return an instance of Prolog Provider using the Prolog Provider class name.
getProvider(Class<?>) - Static method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.Prolog
Create and return an instance of Prolog Provider from the given class.
getProvider() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Get a Prolog provider instance hold in the current engine.
getProvider() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologQuery
Provider instance
getProvider() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologScriptEngine
getProvider() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTerm
Prolog provider associated to the current term.
getProvider() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologType
Prolog provider associated to the current term.
getProvider() - Static method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.spi.ServiceProviderLocator
Create and return an instance of Prolog Provider using Java Platform discovery pattern.
getProvider(String) - Static method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.spi.ServiceProviderLocator
Create and return an instance of Prolog Provider using the Prolog Provider class name.
getProvider(Class<?>) - Static method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.spi.ServiceProviderLocator
Create and return an instance of Prolog Provider from the given class.
getQueryString() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologQueryBuilder
Get the query in string format.
getReferenceType() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologReference
Return the Java reference type.
getRight() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologStructure
Return the right operand of the current term if the current term is an evalueble structure (expression).
getScriptEngine() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologScriptEngineFactory
getSee() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractClause
getSee() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologDocumentable
Get the see tag in doc comment
getSince() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractClause
getSince() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologDocumentable
Get the since tag in doc comment
getSpecifier() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractOperator
getSpecifier() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologOperator
String symbol that specify the associativity and position of the Prolog operator.
getStringValue() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologAtom
String value for atom term.
getTail() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologList
Return the tail term of the current list if the current list have tail.
getTerm() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractClause
getTerm() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractTerm
getTerm() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologClause
Prolog term representation of the current clause.
getTerm() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTerm
Return current term instance if current term is not a variable or is a free variable term.
getType() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractTerm
getType() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTerm
Get the term type.
getVendor() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Under-laying engine vendor
getVersion() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractClause
getVersion() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProvider
getVersion() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologDocumentable
Get the version tag in doc comment
getVersion() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Version of the wrapped engine.
getVersion() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProvider
Version of the wrapped engine.
GPL_V1 - Static variable in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.Licenses
GNU General Public License (GPL) version 1.0
GPL_V2 - Static variable in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.Licenses
GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2.0
GPL_V3 - Static variable in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.Licenses
GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3.0


hasAuthor() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractClause
hasAuthor() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologDocumentable
Check if exist author tag in doc comment
hasDescription() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractClause
hasDescription() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologDocumentable
Check if exist description tag in doc comment
hasDocumentation() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractClause
hasDocumentation() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologDocumentable
Check if exist at least one tag like documentation comment
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractClause
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractConverter
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractEngine
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractIndicator
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractJavaConverter
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractOperator
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProgram
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProvider
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractQuery
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologScriptEngineFactory
hasIndicator(String, int) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractClause
hasIndicator(String, int) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractTerm
hasIndicator(String, int) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologClause
Check if the current clause have functor/arity based indicator specified by arguments, false in otherwise.
hasIndicator(String, int) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTerm
True if term has an indicator with the format functor/arity that match with the given functor and arity.
hasMoreSolutions() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologQuery
Check if the current query has more solutions.
hasNext() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractEngine.PrologProgramIterator
hasNext() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractQuery
hasNext() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.ArrayIterator
hasSee() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractClause
hasSee() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologDocumentable
Check if exist see tag in doc comment
hasSince() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractClause
hasSince() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologDocumentable
Check if exist since tag in doc comment
hasSolution() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologQuery
Check that the current query has solution.
hasVersion() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractClause
hasVersion() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologDocumentable
Check if exist version tag in doc comment


ILLEGAL_ACCESS - Static variable in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologLogger
ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT - Static variable in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologLogger
include(String) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Consult a file specified by the string path loading an parsing the prolog program and include the loaded program into current engine.
include(Reader) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Consult a prolog program from specified reader parsing the prolog program and include this program into current prolog engine.
INDICATOR_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologLogger
IndicatorError - Error in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
Runtime error raised when occurs one call to get get indicator method over a term that no have indicator property.
IndicatorError(Object) - Constructor for error io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.IndicatorError
Create an indicator runtime error.
info(Object, Object) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractLogger
info(Object, Object, Throwable) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractLogger
info(Object, Object) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologLogger
Log a message from a given object sender at Level.INFO level.
info(Object, Object, Throwable) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologLogger
Log a message from a given object sender at Level.INFO level.
INSTANTIATION - Static variable in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologLogger
INTEGER_TYPE - Static variable in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTermType
Integer type constant
INTERRUPTED_ERROR - Static variable in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologLogger
INVOCATION_TARGET - Static variable in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologLogger
IO - Static variable in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologLogger
io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog - package io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.spi - package io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.spi
isAnonymous() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologVariable
Check that current variable be an anonymous variable
isAtom() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractCompounds
isAtom() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTerm
True if this term is an atom
isAtomic() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractCompounds
isAtomic() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTerm
True if this Term is a atomic term, false in other case
isClass() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractTerm
isClass() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTerm
isClause() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractClause
isClause() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractTerm
isClause() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologElement
True if this element is a clause
isCompliant() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProvider
isCompliant() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProvider
True if wrapped engine implement ISO Prolog and false in other case
isCompound() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractCompounds
isCompound() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTerm
True if this Term is a compound term, false in other case
isDirective() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractClause
isDirective() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologClause
True if this clause is a directive, false in other case.
isDiscontiguous() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractClause
isDiscontiguous(String, int) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProgram
isDiscontiguous() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologClause
Natives engine don't offer information about that.
isDiscontiguous() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologClauses
Natives engine don't offer information about that.
isDiscontiguous(String, int) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProgram
isDouble() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractCompounds
isDouble() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTerm
True if this Term is a double precision floating point number, false in other case
isDynamic() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractClause
isDynamic(String, int) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProgram
isDynamic() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologClause
Natives engine don't offer information about that.
isDynamic() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologClauses
Natives engine don't offer information about that.
isDynamic(String, int) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProgram
isEmpty() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologList
Return true if the current list don't have any elements, false in other case.
isEmptyList() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTerm
True if this Term is a empty list term ([]), false in other case
isEntry() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractTerm
isEntry() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTerm
True if this Term is a Entry, false in other case
isEvaluable() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractCompounds
isEvaluable() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTerm
Check if the current term is a compound term and have like functor an operator.
isFact() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractClause
isFact() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologClause
True if this clause is a fact, false in other case.
isFalseType() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractCompounds
isFalseType() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTerm
Check if the current term is a reference term and the referenced object is an instance of java false value.
isField() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractTerm
isField() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTerm
isFloat() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractCompounds
isFloat() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTerm
True if this Term is a single precision floating point number, false in other case
isFunction() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractClause
isFunction() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologClause
True if this clause is a function, false in other case.
isInteger() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractCompounds
isInteger() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTerm
True if this Term is an integer number, false in other case
isList() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTerm
True if this Term is a list, false in other case
isLong() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractCompounds
isLong() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTerm
True if this Term is a large integer number, false in other case
isMap() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractTerm
isMap() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTerm
True if this Term is a Map, false in other case
isMethod() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractClause
isMethod() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologClause
True if this clause is a rule, false in other case.
isMixin() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractTerm
isMixin() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTerm
isMultifile() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractClause
isMultifile(String, int) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProgram
isMultifile() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologClause
Natives engine don't offer information about that.
isMultifile() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologClauses
Natives engine don't offer information about that.
isMultifile(String, int) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProgram
isNil() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractCompounds
isNil() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTerm
True if this Term is a nil term (null term for prolog), false in other case
isNullType() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractCompounds
isNullType() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTerm
Check if the current term is a reference term and the referenced object is a java null value.
isNumber() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractCompounds
isNumber() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTerm
True if this term is an number
isObjectType() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractCompounds
isObjectType() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTerm
Check if the current term is a reference term for some java object instance.
isParameter() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractTerm
isParameter() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTerm
isProgramEmpty() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractEngine
isProgramEmpty() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Check if the program in main memory is empty returning true if the clause number in the program is 0 and false in otherwise.
isReference() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractCompounds
isReference() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTerm
Check if the current term is a reference term for some java object instance or is a reference term and the referenced object is a java null value.
isResult() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractTerm
isResult() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTerm
isRule() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractClause
isRule() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologClause
True if this clause is a rule, false in other case.
isStructure() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTerm
True if this Term is a structured term, false in other case
isTerm() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractClause
isTerm() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractTerm
isTerm() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologElement
True if this term is a term
isTrueType() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractCompounds
isTrueType() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTerm
Check if the current term is a reference term and the referenced object is an instance of java true value.
isVariable() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractCompounds
isVariable() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTerm
True if this Term is a variable, false in other case
isVariableBound() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractTerm
isVariableBound() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTerm
True if this Term is a instanced variable, false in other case
isVariableNotBound() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractTerm
isVariableNotBound() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTerm
True if this Term is a not instanced variable, false in other case
isVoidType() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractCompounds
isVoidType() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTerm
Check if the current term is a reference term for java void type.
iterator() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProgram
iterator() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractQuery


LGPL_V2_1 - Static variable in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.Licenses
GNU General Lesser Public License (LGPL) version 2.1
LGPL_V3 - Static variable in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.Licenses
GNU General Lesser Public License (LGPL) version 3.0
Licenses - Class in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
Class that contains some constants licenses names.
LINK - Static variable in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologLogger
LIST_TYPE - Static variable in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTermType
List type constant
ListExpectedError - Error in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
ListExpectedError(Object) - Constructor for error io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.ListExpectedError
log(Object, Level, Object) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractLogger
log(Object, Level, Object) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologLogger
Log a message from a given object sender at the given level.
log(Object, Level, Object, Throwable) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologLogger
Log a message from a given object sender at the given level.
LONG_TYPE - Static variable in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTermType
Long type constant


MAP_ENTRY_TYPE - Static variable in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTermType
Map Entry type constant
MAP_TYPE - Static variable in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTermType
Map type constant
markDiscontiguous(String, int) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProgram
markDiscontiguous(String, int) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProgram
markDynamic(String, int) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProgram
markDynamic(String, int) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProgram
markMultifile(String, int) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProgram
markMultifile(String, int) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProgram
match(PrologTerm, PrologTerm) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractEngine
match(PrologTerm) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractTerm
Match to other term returning list of substitutions.
match(PrologTerm, PrologTerm) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Match to other term returning list of substitutions.
match(PrologTerm) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTerm
Match to other term returning list of substitutions.
METHOD_TYPE - Static variable in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTermType
Method type constant
MIT - Static variable in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.Licenses
MIXIN_TYPE - Static variable in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTermType
Interface type constant
more() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractQuery
more() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologQuery
Return the next prolog terms that conform the solution set for the current query.
MPL_V1_1 - Static variable in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.Licenses
Mozilla Public License version 1.1


NAMESPACE_TYPE - Static variable in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTermType
Namespace type constant
neck(PrologTerm, String, PrologTerm) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologClauseBuilder
Append to the clause builder the first term in the clause body.
neck(String, PrologTerm...) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologClauseBuilder
Append to the clause builder the first term in the clause body.
neck(PrologTerm) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologClauseBuilder
Append to the clause builder the first term in the clause body.
newAtom(String) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProvider
Create a prolog atom term setting like atom value the given string.
newClauseBuilder() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractEngine
newClauseBuilder() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Create a new clause builder instance to build prolog clauses programmatically.
newClauses(String, int) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProgram
newDouble() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProvider
newDouble() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProvider
Create a prolog double number instance with 0.0 value.
newDouble(Number) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProvider
Create a prolog double number instance with the given value.
newEngine() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProvider
Create a new prolog engine instance ready to be operate.
newEngine(String) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProvider
Create a new prolog engine instance ready to be operate.
newEntry(PrologTerm, PrologTerm) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProvider
Create a new PrologEntry using key-value pair of PrologTerm type.
newEntry(Object, Object) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProvider
Create a new PrologEntry using key-value pair of Java object type.The given objects are converted to PrologTerm before entry creation.
newFloat() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProvider
newFloat() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProvider
Create a prolog float number instance with 0.0 value.
newFloat(Number) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProvider
Create a prolog float number instance with 0.0 value.
newInteger() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProvider
newInteger() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProvider
Create a prolog integer number instance with 0 value.
newInteger(Number) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProvider
Create a prolog integer number instance with the given value.
newList(PrologTerm) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProvider
newList(Object) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProvider
newList(Object[]) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProvider
newList(Object, Object) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProvider
newList(Object[], Object) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProvider
newList() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProvider
Create an empty prolog list term.
newList(PrologTerm) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProvider
Create a prolog list with one term item.
newList(PrologTerm[]) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProvider
Create a prolog list from prolog terms arguments array and the tail item is an empty list.
newList(PrologTerm, PrologTerm) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProvider
Create a prolog list with two terms items [head | tail].
newList(PrologTerm[], PrologTerm) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProvider
Create a prolog list from prolog terms arguments array and the tail item is the given prolog term.
newList(Object) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProvider
Create a prolog list with one object item.
newList(Object[]) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProvider
Create a prolog list from java objects arguments array and the tail item is an empty list.
newList(Object, Object) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProvider
Create a prolog list with two java objects items [head | tail].
newList(Object[], Object) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProvider
Create a prolog list from java objects arguments array and the tail item is the given java object.
newLong() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProvider
newLong() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProvider
Create a prolog long number instance with 0 value.
newLong(Number) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProvider
Create a prolog long number instance with the given value.
newMap(Map<PrologTerm, PrologTerm>) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProvider
Constructs a new PrologMap with the same mappings as the specified Map of PrologTerm keys and values.
newMap(int) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProvider
Constructs an empty PrologMap with the specified initial capacity.
newMap() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProvider
Constructs an empty PrologMap with the default initial capacity (16).
newQueryBuilder() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractEngine
newQueryBuilder() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Create a new query builder instance to build prolog goal programmatically.
newReference(Object) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProvider
Create a prolog object reference term that hold the given object.
newStructure(String, Object...) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProvider
newStructure(Object, String, Object) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProvider
newStructure(String, PrologTerm...) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProvider
Create a prolog structure with the functor (structure name) and prolog terms arguments array.
newStructure(String, Object...) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProvider
Create a prolog structure with the functor (structure name) and java objects arguments array.
newStructure(PrologTerm, String, PrologTerm) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProvider
Create a prolog structure that represent an expression defined by your left and right operands separated by infix operator.
newStructure(Object, String, Object) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProvider
Create a prolog structure that represent an expression defined by your left and right operands separated by infix operator.
newVariable(int) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProvider
Create an anonymous variable instance with associated index.
newVariable(String, int) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProvider
Create an named variable instance with associated index.
next() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractEngine.PrologProgramIterator
next() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractQuery
next() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.ArrayIterator
nextResult() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractQuery
nextResult() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologQuery
Return the next Java objects solution list for the current query.
nextSolution() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologQuery
Return the next prolog terms solution array for the current query.
nextVariablesResult() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractQuery
nextVariablesResult() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologQuery
Return the next Java objects that conform the solution set for the current query.
nextVariablesSolution() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologQuery
Return the next prolog terms that conform the solution set for the current query.
NIL_TYPE - Static variable in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTermType
Nil type constant
NO_SPECIFIED - Static variable in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.Licenses
No specified
NO_SUCH_FIELD - Static variable in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologLogger
NO_SUCH_METHOD - Static variable in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologLogger
NON_SOLUTION - Static variable in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologLogger
nResult(int) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractQuery
nResult(int) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologQuery
Return a list of list of Java Objects that conform the solution set for the current query where n is the solution number and m is a free variable number in the query.
nSolutions(int) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologQuery
Return a Prolog terms matrix of n x m order that conform the solution set for the current query where n is the solution number and m is a free variable number in the query.
nths(int) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractQuery
nths(int) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologQuery
Return a list of n size with maps of variables name key and Prolog terms as value that conform the solution set for the current query where n is the solution number.
nullReference() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProvider
Create a prolog object reference term that hold the Java null object i.e.
nVariablesResults(int) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractQuery
nVariablesResults(int) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologQuery
Return a list of n size with maps of variables name key and Java objects as value that conform the solution set for the current query where n is the solution number.
nVariablesSolutions(int) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologQuery
Return an array of n size with maps of variables name key and Prolog terms as value that conform the solution set for the current query where n is the solution number.


OBJECT_TYPE - Static variable in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTermType
Object type constant
one() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractQuery
one() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologQuery
Return a map of variables name key and Prolog terms as value that conform the solution set for the current query.
oneResult() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractQuery
oneResult() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologQuery
Return the equivalent Java objects that conform the solution set for the current query.
oneSolution() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologQuery
Return the prolog terms that conform the solution set for the current query.
oneVariablesResult() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractQuery
oneVariablesResult() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologQuery
Return the equivalent Java objects that conform the solution set for the current query.
oneVariablesSolution() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologQuery
Return the prolog terms that conform the solution set for the current query.
operator(int, String, String) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Define an operator in the wrapped prolog engine with priority between 0 and 1200 and associativity determined by specifier according to the table below Specification table
Specifier Type Associativity fx prefix no fy prefix yes xf postfix no yf postfix yes xfx infix no yfx infix left xfy infix right


PARAMETER_TYPE - Static variable in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTermType
Parameter type constant
parseClause(String) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProvider
parseList(String) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProvider
parseProgram(String) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProvider
parseProgram(File) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProvider
parseStructure(String) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProvider
persist(Writer) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractEngine
persist(String) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Save the prolog program present in the current engine to some specific file specified by string path.
persist(Writer) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Write the prolog clauses in program present in the current engine using the given driver.
printUsage() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractConsole
printUsage() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologConsole
Used to print console usage.
Prolog - Class in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
Bootstrap platform class.
PrologAtom - Interface in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
Represent the Prolog atom data type.
PrologBuiltin - Class in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
PrologClause - Interface in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
Prolog clause is composed by two prolog terms that define a prolog clause, the head and the body.
PrologClauseBuilder - Interface in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
Prolog clause builder to create prolog clauses.
PrologClauses - Interface in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
Clause family list that join all clauses with same functor/arity based indicator.
PrologConsole - Interface in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
Represent the prolog console of the system.
PrologConverter<T> - Interface in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
Converter for convert PrologTerm to the equivalent native T term representation.
prologCut() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProvider
Get the prolog term that represent the prolog cut built-in.
PrologDocumentable - Interface in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
PrologDouble - Interface in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
Prolog term that represent a double precision floating point number.
PrologElement - Interface in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
Prolog element describe the common behavior of all prolog components like clause and term.
prologEmpty() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProvider
Get the prolog empty list term.
PrologEngine - Interface in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
A PrologEngine instance is used in order to interact with the concrete prolog engine.
PrologEntry - Interface in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
PrologEntry is key-value pair of PrologTerm.
PrologError - Error in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
PrologError(String) - Constructor for error io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologError
PrologError(String, Throwable) - Constructor for error io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologError
prologFail() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProvider
Get the prolog fail term that represent fail built-in.
prologFalse() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProvider
Get the prolog false term that represent false built-in.
PrologFloat - Interface in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
Prolog term that represent a single precision floating point number.
PrologFormatter - Interface in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
Class that define the string format for prolog logger out put. have a format method that give some log record and return the string format for this record to be print in logger out put.
prologInclude(String) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProvider
Get the prolog term representing the directive use by under-laying prolog implementation for file inclusion.
PrologIndicator - Interface in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
Indicator to denote the signature for Prolog Terms using a functor/arity format.
PrologInteger - Interface in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
Prolog term that represent a integer number.
PrologJavaConverter - Interface in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
Converter for convert PrologTerm to the equivalent Java object taking like reference the following equivalence table.
PrologList - Interface in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
Represent prolog list compound term.
PrologLogger - Interface in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
Logger platform interface to log message at any level.
PrologLong - Interface in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
Prolog term that represent a long integer number.
PrologMap - Interface in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
A PrologTerm that maps PrologTerm keys to PrologTerm values.
prologNil() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProvider
Get the prolog nil term representing the null data type for prolog data type system.
PrologNumber - Interface in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
Represent all Prolog number data type.
PrologOperator - Interface in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
This class defines a Prolog operator.
PrologOperatorSet - Interface in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
A collection that contains no duplicate Prolog operators.
PrologProgram - Interface in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
PrologProgramIterator(Collection<PrologClause>) - Constructor for class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractEngine.PrologProgramIterator
PrologProvider - Interface in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
Prolog Provider is the class to interact with all prolog components (data types, constants, logger, parser, converter and engine).
PrologQuery - Interface in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
Prolog query is the mechanism to query the prolog database loaded in prolog engine.
PrologQueryBuilder - Interface in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
Prolog query builder to create prolog queries.
PrologReference - Interface in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
PrologReference is a specialized Term with an Object field, representing Prolog references to Java objects (or to null).
PrologScriptEngine - Class in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
Partial implementation of ScriptEngine
PrologScriptEngineFactory - Class in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
Partial implementation of ScriptEngineFactory
PrologScriptEngineFactory(PrologEngine) - Constructor for class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologScriptEngineFactory
PrologStructure - Interface in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
Represent structured prolog compound term.
PrologTerm - Interface in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
Ancestor prolog data type.
PrologTermType - Class in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
Contains all PrologTerm types constants
prologTrue() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProvider
Get the prolog true term that represent true built-in.
PrologType - Interface in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
Describe the possible types accepted by a variable.
PrologVariable - Interface in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
Prolog term that represent variable data type.
provider - Variable in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractClause
provider - Variable in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractConverter
provider - Variable in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractEngine
provider - Variable in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractTerm
push(PrologClause) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProgram
push(PrologClause) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProgram
put(Map.Entry<PrologTerm, PrologTerm>) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologMap
Put in the map an entry previously created
putAll(Collection<Map.Entry<PrologTerm, PrologTerm>>) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologMap
Put all collections of entries in the map.


query(String) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Create a new query being the goal the given string with prolog syntax.
query(PrologTerm) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
query(PrologTerm[]) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Create a new query being the goal the given prolog term array.
query(PrologTerm, PrologTerm...) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Create a new query with at least one prolog term goal.
query() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologQueryBuilder
Create and return the result query.
queryAll(String) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractEngine
queryAll(PrologTerm) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractEngine
queryAll(PrologTerm, PrologTerm...) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractEngine
queryAll(String) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Create a new prolog query and return the list of prolog terms that conform the solution set for the current query.
queryAll(PrologTerm) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
queryAll(PrologTerm, PrologTerm...) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Create a new prolog query and return the list of prolog terms that conform the solution set for the current query.
queryN(int, String) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractEngine
queryN(int, PrologTerm) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractEngine
queryN(int, PrologTerm, PrologTerm...) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractEngine
queryN(int, String) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Create a new prolog query and return the list of (N) prolog terms that conform the solution set for the current query.
queryN(int, PrologTerm) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
queryN(int, PrologTerm, PrologTerm...) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Create a new prolog query and return the list of (N) prolog terms that conform the solution set for the current query.
queryOne(String) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractEngine
queryOne(PrologTerm) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractEngine
queryOne(PrologTerm, PrologTerm...) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractEngine
queryOne(String) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Create a new prolog query and return the prolog terms that conform the solution set for the current query.
queryOne(PrologTerm) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
queryOne(PrologTerm, PrologTerm...) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Create a new prolog query and return the prolog terms that conform the solution set for the current query.


remove() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractEngine.PrologProgramIterator
remove() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractIterator
remove() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractQuery
remove(Map.Entry<PrologTerm, PrologTerm>) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologMap
Remove in the map an entry previously created
removeAll(String) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProgram
removeAll(String, int) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProgram
removeAll(PrologProgram) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProgram
removeAll(PrologClauses) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProgram
removeAll(String, int) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProgram
removeAll(PrologProgram) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProgram
removeAll(PrologClauses) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProgram
removeQuoted(String) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractConverter
removeQuoted(String) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractEngine
removeQuoted(String) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProvider
removeQuoted(String) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractTerm
removeQuotes(String) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractJavaConverter
removeQuotes(String) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologJavaConverter
Remove functor quotes if they are present.
RESULT_TYPE - Static variable in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTermType
Result type constant
retainAll(PrologClauses) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProgram
retainAll(PrologClauses) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProgram
retract() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologClauseBuilder
Remove the clause in the main memory program if the clause exist.
retract(String) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Parse the string creating internal prolog clause and remove the clause in the main memory program if the clause exist.
retract(PrologTerm) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Remove a fact specified by the head if the specified fact clause exist.
retract(PrologTerm, PrologTerm...) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Remove a rule specified by the rule head and rule body if the specified rule clause exist.
run(String[]) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractConsole
run(String[]) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologConsole
Command line interface program run method for this platform.
runOnLinux() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractEngine
runOnLinux() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Check if the host operating system name refer to Linux OS.
runOnOSX() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractEngine
runOnOSX() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Check if the host operating system name refer to OsX.
runOnWindows() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractEngine
runOnWindows() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Check if the host operating system name refer to Windows OS.
RUNTIME_ERROR - Static variable in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologLogger


SECURITY - Static variable in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologLogger
semicolon(PrologTerm, String, PrologTerm) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologQueryBuilder
Append to the query builder other term to be query in disjunctive mode.
semicolon(String, PrologTerm...) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologQueryBuilder
Append to the query builder other term to be query in disjunctive mode.
semicolon(PrologTerm) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologQueryBuilder
Append to the query builder other term to be query in disjunctive mode.
ServiceProviderLocator - Class in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.spi
Bootstrap platform class.
setAuthor(String) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractClause
setAuthor(String) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologDocumentable
Set the author tag in doc comment
setDescription(String) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractClause
setDescription(String) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologDocumentable
Set the description tag in doc comment
setName(String) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologVariable
Set the name for current prolog variable term.
setSee(String) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractClause
setSee(String) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologDocumentable
Set the see tag in doc comment
setSince(String) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractClause
setSince(String) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologDocumentable
Set the since tag in doc comment
setStringValue(String) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologAtom
Set the string value for this atom instance.
setVersion(String) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractClause
setVersion(String) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologDocumentable
Set the version tag in doc comment
sharedPrologVariables - Variable in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractConverter
sharedVariables - Variable in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractConverter
SIMPLE_ATOM_REGEX - Static variable in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractConverter
size() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologList
Returns the number of elements in this list.
SQL_ERROR - Static variable in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologLogger
STREAM_TYPE - Static variable in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTermType
Stream type constant
STRUCTURE_TYPE - Static variable in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTermType
Structure type constant
StructureExpectedError - Error in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
StructureExpectedError(Object) - Constructor for error io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.StructureExpectedError
SYNTAX_ERROR - Static variable in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologLogger
SyntaxError - Error in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
Runtime error raised when occurs one syntax error.
SyntaxError(String) - Constructor for error io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.SyntaxError
Create a syntax error exception passing the prolog text where syntax error take place.
SyntaxError(String, Throwable) - Constructor for error io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.SyntaxError
Create a syntax error exception passing the prolog text where syntax error take place and the cause.


toArray(PrologClauses[]) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProgram
toArray() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProgram
toArray(PrologClauses[]) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProgram
toArray() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProgram
toObject(PrologTerm) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractJavaConverter
toObject(PrologTerm) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologJavaConverter
Create a Java object from given Prolog term.
toObjectList(PrologTerm[]) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractJavaConverter
toObjectList(PrologTerm[]) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologJavaConverter
Create a Java objects list from given Prolog term array.
toObjectLists(PrologTerm[][]) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractJavaConverter
toObjectLists(PrologTerm[][]) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologJavaConverter
Create an equivalent list of objects lists using the given Prolog terms matrix.
toObjectMap(Map<String, PrologTerm>) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractJavaConverter
toObjectMap(Map<String, PrologTerm>) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologJavaConverter
Create an equivalent Java object map using the given Prolog terms map.
toObjectMaps(Map<String, PrologTerm>[]) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractJavaConverter
toObjectMaps(Map<String, PrologTerm>[]) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologJavaConverter
Create an equivalent Java object map list using the given Prolog terms map array.
toObjectsArray(PrologTerm[]) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractJavaConverter
toObjectsArray(PrologTerm[]) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologJavaConverter
Create a Java objects array from given Prolog term array.
toString() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractClause
toString() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractEngine
toString() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractIndicator
toString() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractOperator
toString() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProgram
toString() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProvider
toString() - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologScriptEngineFactory
toTerm(Object, Class<K>) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractConverter
toTerm(Object, Class<K>) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractEngine
toTerm(Object) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractJavaConverter
toTerm(Object, Class<K>) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProvider
toTerm(Object, Class<K>) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractQuery
toTerm(Object, Class<K>) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractTerm
toTerm(T) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologConverter
Create an equivalent Prolog term using the given native term representation.
toTerm(Object) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologJavaConverter
Create an equivalent Prolog term using the given Java object.
toTermArray(T[]) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractConverter
toTermArray(Object[], Class<K[]>) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractConverter
toTermArray(Object[], Class<K[]>) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProvider
toTermArray(Object[], Class<K[]>) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractTerm
toTermArray(T[]) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologConverter
Create an equivalent Prolog terms array using the given native terms array representation.
toTermMap(Map<String, T>) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractConverter
toTermMap(Map<String, V>, Class<K>) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractConverter
toTermMap(Map<String, V>, Class<K>) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProvider
toTermMap(Map<String, T>) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologConverter
Create an equivalent Prolog terms map using the given native terms map representation.
toTermMapArray(Map<String, T>[]) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractConverter
toTermMapArray(Map<String, V>[], Class<K>) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractConverter
toTermMapArray(Map<String, V>[], Class<K>) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractEngine
toTermMapArray(Map<String, V>[], Class<K>) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProvider
toTermMapArray(Map<String, V>[], Class<K>) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractQuery
toTermMapArray(Map<String, T>[]) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologConverter
Create an equivalent Prolog terms map array using the given native terms map array representation.
toTermMatrix(T[][]) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractConverter
toTermMatrix(Object[][], Class<K[][]>) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractConverter
toTermMatrix(Object[][], Class<K[][]>) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProvider
toTermMatrix(T[][]) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologConverter
Create an equivalent Prolog terms matrix using the given native terms matrix representation.
toTermsArray(Object[]) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractJavaConverter
toTermsArray(Object[]) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologJavaConverter
Create an equivalent Prolog terms array using the given Java objects array.
trace(Object, Object) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractLogger
trace(Object, Object, Throwable) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractLogger
trace(Object, Object) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologLogger
Log a message from a given object sender at Level.FINEST level.
trace(Object, Object, Throwable) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologLogger
Log a message from a given object sender at Level.FINEST level.
TRUE_TYPE - Static variable in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTermType
True type constant
trueReference() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProvider
Create a prolog object reference term that hold the Java true object i.e.
type - Variable in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractTerm


unify(PrologClause) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractClause
unify(PrologTerm) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractCompounds
unify(PrologTerm, PrologTerm) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractEngine
unify(PrologClause) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologClause
Check that two clauses unify.
unify(PrologTerm, PrologTerm) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Check that two terms (x and y) unify.
unify(PrologTerm) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTerm
Check that the current term unify with the given term.
UNKNOWN_HOST - Static variable in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologLogger
UNKNOWN_PREDICATE - Static variable in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologLogger
UnknownTermError - Error in io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog
Runtime error raised when PrologConverter don't have an equivalent term for some passed object.
UnknownTermError(Object) - Constructor for error io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.UnknownTermError
Create an unknown term runtime error.
unmarkDiscontiguous(String, int) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProgram
unmarkDiscontiguous(String, int) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProgram
unmarkDynamic(String, int) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProgram
unmarkDynamic(String, int) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProgram
unmarkMultifile(String, int) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractProgram
unmarkMultifile(String, int) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProgram
URI - Static variable in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologLogger
URL - Static variable in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologLogger


VARIABLE_TYPE - Static variable in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologTermType
Variable type constant
verify() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologEngine
Test the correct integration between under-laying prolog engine and top level interface.
voidReference() - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologProvider
Create a prolog object reference term that hold the Java void object i.e.


warn(Object, Object) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractLogger
warn(Object, Object, Throwable) - Method in class io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.AbstractLogger
warn(Object, Object) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologLogger
Log a message from a given object sender at Level.WARNING level.
warn(Object, Object, Throwable) - Method in interface io.github.prolobjectlink.prolog.PrologLogger
Log a message from a given object sender at Level.WARNING level.
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