
 * #%L
 * prolobjectlink-jpi-jtrolog
 * %%
 * Copyright (C) 2012 - 2018 WorkLogic Project
 * %%
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Lesser Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Lesser Public
 * License along with this program.  If not, see
 * <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>.
 * #L%
package jTrolog.engine;

import jTrolog.errors.PrologException;
import jTrolog.terms.*;
import jTrolog.terms.Number;
import jTrolog.parser.Parser;
import jTrolog.lib.BuiltIn;

import java.util.*;

 * @author janerist@stud.ntnu.no
 * @author ivar.orstavik@hist.no
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes" })
class Engine {

	public static final int EVAL = 0;
	public static final int RULE = 1;
	public static final int BACK = 2;
	public static final int TRUE = 3;
	public static final int TRUE_ALL = 4;
	public static final int FALSE = 5;

	private Prolog prolog;
	BindingsTable bt;

	private int stackPos;
	private ChoicePoint[] stack;
	public static final int STARTUP_STACK_SIZE = 64;
	private int initState;
	private ChoicePoint query;

	Engine(Prolog manager, final Struct[] queryBody) throws Throwable {
		prolog = manager;
		bt = new BindingsTable();
		stack = new ChoicePoint[STARTUP_STACK_SIZE];
		for (int i = 0; i < stack.length; i++)
			stack[i] = new ChoicePoint();
		stackPos = -1;
		query = new ChoicePoint();
		query.setBody(queryBody, 0);
		initState = addToStack(query.getTODO(), 0, query);

	BindingsTable runFirst() throws Throwable {
		return run(initState);

	 * Core of engine. Finite State Machine
	 * @param state
	 *            to start from
	 * @return either a Number or a BindingsTable
	 * @throws Throwable
	 *             Exceptions that may occur running primitive predicates.
	BindingsTable run(int state) throws Throwable {
		while (true) {
			switch (state) {
			case EVAL:
				state = eval();
			case RULE:
				state = ruleSelect();
			case BACK:
				state = back();
			case TRUE:
				state = truue();
			case TRUE_ALL:
				return bt;
				return null;

	private int truue() throws Throwable {
		for (ChoicePoint cp = stack[stackPos]; cp != null; cp = cp.parent) {
			if (cp.hasTODO())
				// TRO complex - here, if the last rule to be added is the same
				// rule as topOfStack which has no more TODOs or alternatives,
				// then it should be possible to reuse topOfStack. this requires
				// some heavy lifting adjusting the gc system
				return addToStack(cp.getTODO(), cp.bodyCtx, cp);
		return TRUE_ALL;

	private int back() {
		for (; stackPos >= 0; stackPos--) {
			ChoicePoint topOfStack = stack[stackPos];
			if (topOfStack.hasAlternatives())
				return RULE;
		return FALSE;

	private int eval() throws Throwable {
		ChoicePoint cp = stack[stackPos];
		return Prolog.evalPrimitive(cp.prim, bt.resolveArgs(cp.head, cp.headCtx)) ? TRUE : BACK;

	private int ruleSelect() throws Throwable {
		ChoicePoint topOfStack = stack[stackPos];
		while (topOfStack.hasAlternatives()) {
			Clause next = topOfStack.nextAlternative();
			int newCtx = bt.getUniqueExecutionCtxID();
			if (bt.unifyBranch(topOfStack.head, next.head, topOfStack.headCtx, newCtx)) {
				topOfStack.setBody(next.tail, newCtx);
				// TRO very simple - here, if the last rule to be added is the
				// same rule as topOfStack which has no more TODOs or
				// alternatives, then it should be possible to reuse topOfStack.

				// return addToStack(topOfStack.getTODO(), newCtx, topOfStack);

				// This is a contribution to
				// fix bug AIOB Exception raise
				// in old code when invoke
				// topOfStack.getTODO()
				// without previous index check
				if (topOfStack.hasTODO()) {
					return addToStack(topOfStack.getTODO(), newCtx, topOfStack);
				return TRUE;
		return BACK;

	 * removes comma and cut. Comma => the struct is set as elements in a list,
	 * commas are split up as elements in this list and commas removed Cut =>
	 * run separate method Primitive => evaluated else Rule => rules added, sent
	 * to RULE
	private int addToStack(Struct head, int headCtx, ChoicePoint parent) throws PrologException {
		if (stackPos == stack.length)
		ChoicePoint topOfStack = stack[stackPos];
		topOfStack.set(head, headCtx, parent);

		if (head.predicateIndicator == Parser.callSignature) {
			int ctx = headCtx;
			Term callArg = bt.resolveFaster(head.getArg(0), ctx);
			if (bt.secondOutOfFasterResolve != Integer.MAX_VALUE)
				ctx = bt.secondOutOfFasterResolve;
			if (callArg instanceof Number)
				throw new PrologException("type_error(callable, " + callArg + ")");
			if (callArg instanceof Var)
				throw new PrologException("instantiation_error");
			topOfStack.setBody(BuiltIn.convertTermToClauseBody2(callArg), ctx);
			return addToStack(topOfStack.getTODO(), ctx, topOfStack);
		if (head.predicateIndicator == Parser.cutSignature)
			return cut(parent.cutParent);

		topOfStack.prim = prolog.getPrimitive(head);
		if (topOfStack.prim != null)
			return EVAL;
		List rules = prolog.find(head.predicateIndicator);
		return RULE;

	 * clear all ; and , backtracking alternatives up to and including the first
	 * point in the stack that is not , or ; or !.
	private int cut(final ChoicePoint cutParent) {
		for (Iterator it = stackIterator(); it.hasNext();) {
			ChoicePoint next = (ChoicePoint) it.next();
			if (next == cutParent)
				return TRUE;
		return TRUE;

	boolean hasAlternatives() {
		for (Iterator it = stackIterator(); it.hasNext();) {
			if (((ChoicePoint) it.next()).hasAlternatives())
				return true;
		return false;

	private void doubleStackSize() {
		final int newSize = stack.length * 2;
		ChoicePoint[] newArray = new ChoicePoint[newSize];
		System.arraycopy(stack, 0, newArray, 0, stack.length);
		for (int i = stack.length; i < newSize; i++)
			newArray[i] = new ChoicePoint();
		stack = newArray;

	StackIterator stackIterator() {
		return new StackIterator(stackPos, stack);

	private static class StackIterator implements Iterator {
		int pos;
		ChoicePoint[] stack;

		public StackIterator(int start, ChoicePoint[] stack) {
			this.pos = start;
			this.stack = stack;

		public boolean hasNext() {
			return pos >= 0;

		public Object next() {
			return stack[pos--];

		public void remove() {
			throw new RuntimeException("can't remove while iterating the stack in the engine");

	public String toString() {
		StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer();
		for (StackIterator it = stackIterator(); it.hasNext();) {
			s.append(it.next().toString() + " \n \n");
			s.append(gc_data(it.pos + 1));
		return s.toString();

	private String gc_data(int pos) {
		String s = "";
		int[][] gc_data = bt.getKeysForCp(pos);
		for (int i = 0; i < gc_data.length; i++) {
			int[] varNr_Ctx = gc_data[i];
			int vNr = varNr_Ctx[0];
			int vCtx = varNr_Ctx[1];
			if (vNr == 0)
			Var vFake = new Var("V", vNr);
			s += vFake + "_" + vNr + "<" + vCtx + "> : ";
			Term link = bt.resolveFaster(vFake, vCtx);
			if (bt.secondOutOfFasterResolve != Integer.MAX_VALUE)
				s += link + "<" + bt.secondOutOfFasterResolve + ">\n";
				s += "what?!\n";
		return s;