 * #%L
 * prolobjectlink-jpi-jtrolog
 * %%
 * Copyright (C) 2012 - 2018 WorkLogic Project
 * %%
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Lesser Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Lesser Public
 * License along with this program.  If not, see
 * <>.
 * #L%
package jTrolog.engine;

import jTrolog.errors.PrologException;
import jTrolog.lib.BasicLibrary;
import jTrolog.parser.Parser;
import jTrolog.terms.Double;
import jTrolog.terms.EvaluableTerm;
import jTrolog.terms.Number;
import jTrolog.terms.Struct;
import jTrolog.terms.StructAtom;
import jTrolog.terms.Term;
import jTrolog.terms.Var;
import jTrolog.terms.WrapStruct;
import jTrolog.terms.WrapVar;
import jTrolog.terms.Wrapper;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;

 * Keeps track of what variables are bound to what Terms and at which
 * ChoicePoint this connection was made.
 * now, the BindingsTable never receives anything that is not Wrapped. All
 * Structs sent in are wrapped as a mfck. the unifyBranch is now possible to run
 * without generating new objects when the getArg is called.
 * all the methods that add vars and get vars from the bidnings table is now
 * given both Var and context (and link term and its context) a problem is that
 * the stackMap needs to be subsumed into the bindings table since it needs to
 * retract the links done by a current owner. I don't think I can remove the
 * current owner as a separate map since it provides a rollback function. What I
 * can do is stringToStructList WrapVars for it only and then move these into
 * and out of the bindingsMap
 * @author
 * @author
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
public class BindingsTable {

	private int currentExecCtx = 0;

	private LinkTable links = new LinkTable();

	int uniqueExecutionCtxID = 1;
	int[] firstInCtx = new int[10000];
	private GarbageCan gc = new GarbageCan(links);

	public int getUniqueExecutionCtxID() {
		if (links.getWidth() == uniqueExecutionCtxID)
			links.doubleWidth(uniqueExecutionCtxID * 2);
		return uniqueExecutionCtxID++;

	public void expandLinkTable(int newSize) {

	final void collectGarbage(final int execCtx) {
		uniqueExecutionCtxID = firstInCtx[execCtx];
		currentExecCtx = execCtx;

	final void collectGarbageSmall() {

	final void setCurrentExecCtx(final int execCtx) {
		currentExecCtx = execCtx;
		if (execCtx >= firstInCtx.length)
			firstInCtx = LinkTable.expandArray(firstInCtx, execCtx * 2);
		firstInCtx[execCtx] = uniqueExecutionCtxID;

	// todo 1. perhaps it would be smart to keep track of the left and right
	// terms/ctxs that the unification process works on.
	// todo if this is done, then whenever a unification fails, one could
	// display exactly what two terms did not match.
	// todo but this is perhaps better done in the Engine, since one here might
	// like to view the entire terms..
	public boolean unify(Term t0, Term t1) {
		int oneCtx = t0 instanceof Wrapper ? ((Wrapper) t0).getContext() : 0;
		int twoCtx = t1 instanceof Wrapper ? ((Wrapper) t1).getContext() : 0;
		return unifyBranch(unWrap(t0), unWrap(t1), oneCtx, twoCtx);

	// ca. 500

	 * @param one
	 * @param two
	 * @param oneCtx
	 * @param twoCtx
	 * @return true if the two terms are unified, false otherwise
	boolean unifyBranch(Term one, Term two, int oneCtx, int twoCtx) {
		while (one.type == Term.VAR) {
			Var vOne = (Var) one;
			// if the two varaiables are equal, then return true
			if (oneCtx == twoCtx && vOne.equals(two)) // if (oneCtx == twoCtx &&
														// two instanceof Var &&
														// vOne.nrInStruct ==
														// ((Var)
														// two).nrInStruct )
				return true;
			// else, if the left variable is not bound, bind it
			final int vNr = vOne.nrInStruct;
			Term link = links.getTerm(vNr, oneCtx);
			if (link == null)
				return setLink(vNr, oneCtx, two, twoCtx);
			// else, Var one is bound. If it is bound to a Var, then the loop
			// will continue updating the on Var, else it will continue down the
			// method
			oneCtx = links.getCtx(vNr, oneCtx);
			one = link;
		while (two.type == Term.VAR) {
			final int vNr = ((Var) two).nrInStruct;
			Term link = links.getTerm(vNr, twoCtx);
			if (link == null)
				return setLink(vNr, twoCtx, one, oneCtx); // var two is unbound,
															// bind it against
															// one
			twoCtx = links.getCtx(vNr, twoCtx);
			two = link;
		// from now on, neither branch is a Var
		if (one.type >= Term.STRUCT && two.type >= Term.STRUCT) {
			Struct a = (Struct) one;
			Struct b = (Struct) two;
			if (a.predicateIndicator != b.predicateIndicator)
				return false;
			for (int c = 0; c < a.arity; c++)
				if (!unifyBranch(a.getArg(c), b.getArg(c), oneCtx, twoCtx))
					return false;
			return true;
		return one.type == Term.NUMBER && two.type == Term.NUMBER && BasicLibrary.number_equality_2((Number) one, (Number) two);

	// ca. 500

	// this method calls an almost entirely iterative method
	boolean unifyBranchTwo(Term one, Term two, int oneCtx, int twoCtx) {
		return unifyTrees(one.pos, two.pos, one.prePost, one.tree, two.tree, two.prePost, oneCtx, twoCtx);

	private boolean unifyTrees(int i, int j, int[] prePostA, Term[] treeA, Term[] treeB, int[] prePostB, int oneCtx, int twoCtx) {
		bb: for (int stopValue = prePostA[i]; i < prePostA.length && prePostA[i] <= stopValue; i++, j++) {
			Term one = treeA[i], two = treeB[j];
			int tmpCtx1 = oneCtx;
			int tmpCtx2 = twoCtx;
			boolean mustMakeNewStackLevel = false;

			if (one.type == Term.VAR) {// instanceof Var){
				while (one.type == Term.VAR) {// instanceof Var) {
					Var vOne = (Var) one;
					// if the two varaiables are equal, then return true
					if (tmpCtx1 == twoCtx && vOne.equals(two))
						continue bb;
					// else, if the left variable is not bound, bind it
					Term link = links.getTerm(vOne.nrInStruct, tmpCtx1);
					if (link == null) {
						if (!setLink(vOne.nrInStruct, tmpCtx1, two, twoCtx))
							return false;
						if (two.type == Term.STRUCT)// instanceof Struct &&
													// ((Struct) two).arity >0)
													// //we must increment j to
													// skip two's children
							for (int postStop = prePostB[j]; j < prePostB.length - 1 && prePostB[j + 1] < postStop; j++)
						continue bb;
					// else, Var one is bound. If it is bound to a Var, then the
					// loop will continue updating the on Var, else it will
					// continue down the method
					tmpCtx1 = links.getCtx(vOne.nrInStruct, tmpCtx1);
					one = link;
				if (one.type == Term.STRUCT)// instanceof Struct && ((Struct)
											// one).arity > 0) //todo we don't
											// need to mustMakeNewStackLevel
											// when the node har no children.
					mustMakeNewStackLevel = true;

			if (two.type == Term.VAR) {// instanceof Var){
				while (two.type == Term.VAR) {// instanceof Var){
					Var vTwo = (Var) two;
					Term link = links.getTerm(vTwo.nrInStruct, tmpCtx2);
					if (link == null) {
						if (!setLink(vTwo.nrInStruct, tmpCtx2, one, tmpCtx1))
							return false; // var two is unbound, bind it against
											// on
						if (one.type == Term.STRUCT)// instanceof Struct &&
													// ((Struct) one).arity >0)
													// //we must increment i to
													// skip one's children
							for (int postStop = prePostA[i]; i < prePostA.length - 1 && prePostA[i + 1] < postStop; i++)
						continue bb;
					tmpCtx2 = links.getCtx(vTwo.nrInStruct, tmpCtx2);
					two = link;
				if (two.type == Term.STRUCT)// instanceof Struct && ((Struct)
											// two).arity > 0)
					mustMakeNewStackLevel = true;

			// todo we need to mustMakeNewStackLevel here because the ctx id
			// changes,
			// todo the prePost and values arrays changes.
			// todo however these values only become relevant for the next
			// check, so Atoms and Numbers do NOT mustMakeNewStackLevel
			if (mustMakeNewStackLevel) {
				if (!unifyBranch(one, two, tmpCtx1, tmpCtx2))
					return false;
				// we must increment i to skip one's and/or two's children
				if (one.type == Term.STRUCT)// instanceof Struct && ((Struct)
											// one).arity >0)
					for (int postStop = prePostA[i]; i < prePostA.length - 1 && prePostA[i + 1] < postStop; i++)
				if (two.type == Term.STRUCT)// instanceof Struct && ((Struct)
											// two).arity >0)
					for (int postStop = prePostB[j]; j < prePostB.length - 1 && prePostB[j + 1] < postStop; j++)
			} else if (one.type >= Term.STRUCT && two.type >= Term.STRUCT) {// instanceof
																			// Struct
																			// &&
																			// two
																			// instanceof
																			// Struct)
																			// {
				if (((Struct) one).predicateIndicator != ((Struct) two).predicateIndicator)
					return false;
			} else if (one.type == Term.NUMBER && two.type == Term.NUMBER) {// instanceof
																			// Number
																			// &&
																			// two
																			// instanceof
																			// Number){
				if (!BasicLibrary.number_equality_2((Number) one, (Number) two))
					return false;
			} else
				return false;
		return true;

	private static int leftMostChildsPost(int i, int[] aPrePostArr) {
		int temp;
		int min = aPrePostArr[i];
		while (i++ < aPrePostArr.length && min > (temp = aPrePostArr[i]))
			min = temp;
		return min;

	public Term wrapWithID(Term t) {
		return wrapWithID(t, getUniqueExecutionCtxID());

	public static Term wrapWithID(Term t, int renameVarID) {
		if (t instanceof Wrapper)
			return t;
		if (t instanceof Var)
			return new WrapVar((Var) t, renameVarID);
		if (t instanceof Struct && !(t instanceof StructAtom))
			return new WrapStruct((Struct) t, renameVarID);
		return t;

	public static Term unWrap(Term l) {
		return l instanceof Wrapper ? ((Wrapper) l).getBasis() : l;

	 * Adds a link. The key of the link is an ID calculated from the Variable
	 * (its position in the root parent Struct) and its context The link is
	 * stored in three different maps: 1. a map of the link to the Term it is
	 * linked to 2. a map of the link to the context number of the Term it is
	 * linked to 3. to facilitate garbage collection of unused links, a map
	 * linking the context in which the binding takes place to a list of links
	 * that are bound at this execution context is also updated
	 * @param vNr
	 * @param vCtx
	 * @param link
	 * @param linkCtx
	 * @return true always
	private boolean setLink(final int vNr, final int vCtx, final Term link, final int linkCtx) {
		// Most applications can probably turn off
		// checkForInternalOccurencesOfVarInTerm without any consequenses by
		// commenting out the if clause below.
		// Removing this will likely result in approx 20% speed-up. But do so
		// only when you know your application do not need this check.
//	---->	if (checkForInternalOccurencesOfVarInTerm(vNr, vCtx, link, linkCtx))
//	---->		return false;
		links.put(vNr, vCtx, link, linkCtx);
		gc.addToTrashCan(vNr, vCtx, currentExecCtx);
		return true;

	 * todo don't search, sort? this now only gets in the original terms and the
	 * context int as values
	 * @param varBeingChecked
	 * @param beingCheckedsContext
	 * @param t
	 * @param tCtx
	private boolean checkForInternalOccurencesOfVarInTerm(int varBeingChecked, int beingCheckedsContext, Term t, int tCtx) {
		while (t.type == Term.VAR) {
			final int vNr = ((Var) t).nrInStruct;
			if (beingCheckedsContext == tCtx && varBeingChecked == vNr)
				return true;
			Term link = links.getTerm(vNr, tCtx);
			if (link == null || link.type == Term.NUMBER || link.type == Term.ATOM)
				return false;
			t = link;
			tCtx = links.getCtx(vNr, tCtx);
			// if the Var was linked to a Var, the loop will run once more
			// else t is a Struct and 'if (t instanceof Struct)' below will kick
			// into action
		if (t.type == Term.STRUCT) {
			Var[] varList = ((Struct) t).getVarList();
			if (varList == null)
				return false;
			boolean sameCtx = beingCheckedsContext == tCtx;
			for (int i = 0; i < varList.length; i++) {
				Var v = varList[i];
				if (sameCtx && varBeingChecked == v.nrInStruct)
					return true;
				Term link = links.getTerm(v.nrInStruct, tCtx);
				if (link == null || link.type == Term.NUMBER || link.type == Term.ATOM)
				int linkCtx = links.getCtx(v.nrInStruct, tCtx);
				return checkForInternalOccurencesOfVarInTerm(varBeingChecked, beingCheckedsContext, link, linkCtx);
		return false;

	 * @param owner
	 * @return // * @deprecated no longer supported. should be implemented anew
	 *         if needed in f.ex. GUI or debugger.
	int[][] getKeysForCp(int owner) {
		return gc.getGarbageLinks(owner);

	 * @param prolog
	 * @param expression
	 * @return result of the evaluation as a Number
	 * @throws jTrolog.errors.PrologException
	 *             instantiation error if one of the Variables to be evaluated
	 *             is not instantiated type_error(Evaluable, other) if a part in
	 *             the evaluable Term is not evaluable
	 * @throws Throwable
	 *             any other exception that might be thrown by parts of the
	 *             expression to be evaluated
	public Number evalExpression(Prolog prolog, EvaluableTerm expression) throws PrologException, Throwable {
		if (expression instanceof Number)
			return (Number) expression;

		Term child = null;
		try {
			Struct struct = (Struct) expression;
			// chp 9 defines separate behavior for _evaluation_ of float/1
			// (casting of Int) that should only accept Numbers,
			// as opposed to the execution of float/1 that accepts Term.
			if (struct.predicateIndicator == Parser.floatSignature) {
				child = resolve(struct.getArg(0));
				Number result = evalExpression(prolog, (EvaluableTerm) child);
				return new Double(result.doubleValue());

			PrimitiveInfo prim = prolog.getPrimitiveExp(struct);
			if (prim == null)
				throw new PrologException("type_error(Evaluable, " + struct.predicateIndicator + ")");

			// we have an expression that might be evaluable
			Object[] primitive_args = new Object[struct.arity + 1];
			primitive_args[0] = this;
			for (int i = 0; i < primitive_args.length - 1; i++) {
				child = resolve(struct.getArg(i));
				primitive_args[i + 1] = evalExpression(prolog, (EvaluableTerm) child);
			return (Number) prim.method.invoke(prim.source, primitive_args);
		} catch (ClassCastException e) {
			if (child instanceof Var)
				throw new PrologException("instantiation_error");
			throw new PrologException("type_error(Evaluable, " + child + ")");

	Object[] resolveArgs(Struct unresolved, int ctx) {
		Object[] primitive_args = new Object[unresolved.arity + 1];
		primitive_args[0] = this;
		for (int i = 0; i < unresolved.arity; i++) {
			final Term arg = unresolved.getArg(i);
			Term link = resolveFaster(arg, ctx);
			if (secondOutOfFasterResolve == Integer.MAX_VALUE)
				primitive_args[i + 1] = wrapWithID(arg, ctx);
				primitive_args[i + 1] = wrapWithID(link, secondOutOfFasterResolve);
		return primitive_args;

	public Term resolve(Term term) {
		if (term instanceof WrapVar) {
			final WrapVar wrapVar = ((WrapVar) term);
			Term link = resolveFaster(wrapVar.getBasis(), wrapVar.getContext());
			return secondOutOfFasterResolve == Integer.MAX_VALUE ? term : wrapWithID(link, secondOutOfFasterResolve);
		return term;

	int secondOutOfFasterResolve;

	public Term resolveFaster(Term term, int ctx) {
		secondOutOfFasterResolve = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
		while (term instanceof Var) {
			int vNr = ((Var) term).nrInStruct;
			Term link = links.getTerm(vNr, ctx);
			if (link == null)
			term = link;
			ctx = secondOutOfFasterResolve = links.getCtx(vNr, ctx);
		return term;

	public Iterator structListIterator(Struct origin, boolean skipLastEmptyList) throws PrologException {
		if (origin.equals(Term.emptyList))
			return Term.iterator;
		if (origin.predicateIndicator != Parser.listSignature)
			throw new PrologException("type_error(list, " + origin + ")");
		return new StructListIterator(origin, skipLastEmptyList);

	public Struct createStructList(Collection complete) {
		if (complete.isEmpty())
			return Term.emptyList;
		Struct res = (WrapStruct) wrapWithID(Parser.createListContainingAnyVars(complete.size() - 1));
		Iterator toBeLinked = complete.iterator();
		try {
			for (Iterator it = structListIterator(res, true); it.hasNext();) {
				Var child = (Var);
				Term link = (Term);
				unify(child, link);
		} catch (PrologException e) {
			throw new RuntimeException("error in iterating a Struct list");
		return res;

	private class StructListIterator implements Iterator {

		Iterator currentListIterator;
		Term cache;
		boolean includeLastEmptyList;

		StructListIterator(Struct origin, boolean skipLastEmptyList) {
			this.includeLastEmptyList = !skipLastEmptyList;
			currentListIterator = Struct.iterator(origin);

		public boolean hasNext() {
			if (cache != null)
				return true;
			if (!currentListIterator.hasNext())
				return false;
			cache = (Term);
			cache = resolve(cache);

			if (currentListIterator.hasNext())
				return true;

			if (cache.equals(Term.emptyList)) {
				if (includeLastEmptyList)
					return true;
				cache = null;
				return false;

			if (!(cache instanceof Struct && ((Struct) cache).predicateIndicator == Parser.listSignature))
				return true;

			currentListIterator = Struct.iterator((Struct) cache);
			cache = null;
			return hasNext();

		public Object next() {
			if (cache == null)
			if (cache == null)
				throw new NoSuchElementException();
			Term temp = cache;
			cache = null;
			return temp;

		public void remove() {
			throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

	// todo override toString();

	 * See Variants of a term in the ISO spec this method resolves all
	 * the terms children. Not sure if this is in line with the spec.
	 * @param original
	 *            such as - f(X,Y,X) - g(A,B) - P + Q
	 * @return a variant of the original such as - f(_1, _2, _1) - g(_1, _2) -
	 *         _1 + _2
	public Term variant(Term original) {
		return new Copier(original).getFlatVariant();

	public Term flatCopy(Term original, int keepCtx) {
		return new Copier(BindingsTable.wrapWithID(original, keepCtx), keepCtx).getFlatCopy();

	private class Copier {
		HashMap varTable = new HashMap();
		Term original;
		Term copy;
		private int keepOriginals = -1;

		public Copier(Term root) {
			original = root;

		public Copier(Term root, int ctxToKeep) {
			original = root;
			keepOriginals = ctxToKeep;

		private Term copyRecursive(Term original) {
			if (original instanceof StructAtom || original instanceof Number)
				return original;
			if (original instanceof Var) {
				Term link = resolve(original);
				if (link != original)
					return copyRecursive(link);
				if (link instanceof Wrapper && ((Wrapper) link).getContext() == keepOriginals)
					return ((Wrapper) link).getBasis();
				Var copyVar = (Var) varTable.get(link);
				if (copyVar == null)
					varTable.put(link, copyVar = new Var("_", varTable.size() + 1));
				return copyVar;
			Struct sOrig = (Struct) original;
			Term[] clonedElements = new Term[sOrig.arity];
			for (int i = 0; i < clonedElements.length; i++)
				clonedElements[i] = copyRecursive(sOrig.getArg(i));
			return new Struct(, clonedElements, sOrig.getOperatorType());

		public Term getFlatVariant() {
			if (copy != null)
				return copy;
			return copy = copyRecursive(this.original);

		public Term getFlatCopy() {
			if (copy != null)
				return copy;
			return copy = copyRecursive(this.original);
